Enable logging for Ad connector

Hi All,
I am trying to enable logging for my AD connector and was trying to replicate the steps mentioned to do that via API’s.

I was able to fetch the cluster id but when trying to add the log configuration the api is throwing me this error not sure about the issue since i am utilizing the json mentioned in the documentation itself.

Hi @DeepanshuBisht ,

It is strange, I am able to use it successfully. Can you confirm you are using /beta API?

Hi Shailee,
Earlier i was working with v3 apis now i tried using beta apis still getting the same error i am able to fetch the cluster details and it’s current logging configuration which is null.
But the update one is not working for me

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Hi @DeepanshuBisht , is it the same error for /beta API also?

Hi @DeepanshuBisht,

It’s probably some invisible character in your payload, did you copy and past from somewhere? I’d suggest you to rewrite or get the payload from update log level

And If none of the tests work you can try follow these steps Debug Level By Connector

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You can enable logging directly in the IDNow VA cluster and access the log files to check what is causing the issue using winscp

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You can enable logging directly in the IDNow VA cluster and access the log files to check what is causing the issue using winscp

The issue with doing that though is that all connectors will have debug level log statements, making it more difficult to find what you need. It’s much better to turn on the log as stated above to get the logging of one connector type only.


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