Enable/DIsable Account API issue

Hi Team,

I’m trying to hit the Enable/DIsable account APIs but recieving error.

Below is my curl.

curl --location 'https://{mycompany}.api.identitynow.com/v3/accounts/a05630s0b5bfb422aa95cc56b32c8b9d/enable' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: ••••••' \
--data '{
  "externalVerificationId": "3f9180835d2e5168015d32f890ca1581",
  "forceProvisioning": true

Getting this Response:

    "detailCode": "500.0 Internal fault",
    "trackingId": "ea80385dbd8f416aad91f3443bfb0be0",
    "messages": [
            "locale": "en-US",
            "localeOrigin": "DEFAULT",
            "text": "An internal fault occurred."
            "locale": "und",
            "localeOrigin": "REQUEST",
            "text": "An internal fault occurred."
    "causes": []

Appreciate any insights.


Can you try from tenant once? I think there is an issue going on with enable and disable.

When I tried to disable account in sandbox tenant I got below.



Getting the same issue when I do it through UI in Sandbox.



Yes, I think there is some issue internally.

Lets try after some time.


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Looks like issue solved now.

Can you try API now?
