I was not having issue when I was disabling bulk account via python script. It was working fine. Maybe your configuration/code have some issues internally?
I’m also having an issue and am researching now before i open a case. I think this is a bug. I can submit a request to disable an account via the api and get a 202 accepted and the task id returned to my script. in SailPoint Account Activity the request is there but as a Failure. So the API request does go through but something on the sailpoint end is failing. Disabling accounts in UI does work.
So, using the documentation as my guide and what I can submit via postman, i was sending the request with a body like the documents show with externalVerificationId and forceProvisioning. I tried with various values as it says “if set” in the documenation for each so I sent empty strings for the first and all kinds of iterations of each. Turns out you do need the body but don’t need any content. So i just tried with an empty body and it worked.
I’m using powershell so my body was:
$body = @"
I hope this helps others! I was up late last night trying so many things and fixed it in 5 minutes this morning!