Empty custom capability for showing quicklink

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To showcase the plugin quicklink, created a new quicklink population and also an empty capability. I have created the match filter and added that capability to that quicklink population, so that when a member is added to a workgroup, automatically that capability will be assigned and quicklink will be shown to the member user.
My question is, as I have created an EMPTY CAPABILITY, is it okay to create one like that, or should a capability always need to have one SPRIGHT?

Hi @suyatra_sinha1992,

the logic of quicklink popultaion is permit (or not) some action for a subset of idenities.
Add an empty capability on a quicklink is not necessary, if you dont wont permit or not permit something on this population or if you using some rules

But @enistri_devo will it be any problem or wrong coding standard to create a blank capability? Cause I am using Match List with capability in the quicklink population.

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