EmailTemplate Variable in Subject

I believe i found the error, it is equal to the other error, as can be seen here:

<EventMessage>Importer failed with exception: org.hibernate.exception.GenericJDBCException: could not execute statement</EventMessage>


below is the error in logs

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Thx for the feedback :grinning:. I finally understood what you where mentioning, and that does seem to be the issue. How would you go about changing the maximum character length of the subject?

ALTER TABLE identityiq.<table_n`ame> modify <column_name> varchar(4000);

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I would introduce that command in sql, right?

Yes you can use . its totally depend how you run sql cmd .

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@joaovrodrigues ,
Did it worked ?

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Unfortunately Iā€™m unable to make those types of changes. So I couldnā€™t test it.

I have another idea, I can get the quarter value from the certification name with the following code

		[CISO PT IAM] ā€“ Inicio de certificaĆ§Ć£o de acessos das Fontes AutoritĆ”rias $certification.getDisplayName().split("-")[4] $certification.getDisplayName().split("-")[5]

With this code no variables are replaced when receiving the email

What am I doing wrong?

Yes if your campaign name has Quarter value you can use that too.

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Yeah, can confirm. The following code solves it:

		Year: $certification.getCertificationName().split("-")[4] Quarter: $certification.getCertificationName().split("-")[5]

This code takes into account the certification name, being specific to my case.

Awesome !
Happy learning !!

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