Email template values not passed to sub workflow

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Hello professionals.

I have encountered problems when I try to display values in email template from the “provisionapprovalsubprocess” workflow.
Due to client’s requirement, I have added an interceptor script in the sub workflow of lcm workflow, which is “provisionapprovalsubprocess” workflow. The script will call to send an email on the second day since an workitem is pending for approval. The script to send email is similar as below:

      // 2nd Day
      ReminderConfig firstReminderConfig = new ReminderConfig();

The email can be delivered successfully, but some of the values from lcm provisioning workflow are not displaying in the email template.
I have added the arguements into the “provisionapprovalsubprocess” workflow but the values are still not displaying and they are completely empty.

#if ( $approvalItem.requesterComments )
<p>Requester Comments: $approvalItem.requesterComments</p>

<Argument name="approvalSet" type="ApprovalSet">
<Description>The ApprovalSet object contained in the work item.

Please if anyone have idea about the issue and we can discuss together.

i am thinking The issue seems to be that certain values from the LCM provisioning workflow, like approvalItem.requesterComments, are not being passed to or rendered in the email template.

Yes. We have been troubleshooting and got the answers.
In the Provisioning Approval Subprocess, the call method is different with the main workflow.
The values in approvalSets can be called after we replace the “approvalSet.items” to “item.approvalSet.items”.

if issue solved u can mark as solved :slight_smile: