Email Re-assignment

Hi everyone,

We have a specific requirement regarding email escalation notifications. Currently, the escalation pattern is configured to notify the approver’s manager if the action is not completed within the specified time. However, we would like to exclude C-level managers from this escalation process.

Is it possible to redirect all escalation emails intended for C-level managers to a governance group instead? Any suggestions or insights on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated!


Can you expand more on this ask :

  • Is this use case already implemented using any workflow?
  • Is this during access review process or access request process?

This is how is works in OOTB. See the guide - escalation pattern section.

Setting Global Reminders and Escalation Policies - SailPoint Identity Services

What we need is somehow exclude C-level managers from that pattern.

Hi @sahincelik,

From the initial understanding of your use-case what you can do is simply check the identity attribute flag in to address and accordingly based on condition change the to address.

Let me know if you need further elaboration.


@sahincelik, you can update the Update Access Request Configuration endpoint with the below:

"approvalReminderAndEscalationConfig": {
		"daysUntilEscalation": 3,
		"daysBetweenReminders": 2,
		"maxReminders": 1,
		"fallbackApproverRef": {
			"type": "GOVERNANCE_GROUP",
			"id": "<id of the governance group>",
			"name": "<name of the governance group>"

Please try this out and let me know if this helps?

Note : Please update the daysUntilEscalation daysBetweenReminders maxReminders as per your requirement.

Thanks for your reply. I know actually how to set up fallback approver, but it cannot be the solution, because only the third escalation is sent to the fallback approver. The first 2 escalations always go to the reviewer’s manager which also can be a C-level manager.

That’s right. This is an OOTB behavior and the approvals cannot be intercepted in ISC during runtime unlike IIQ for modification based on the requirement above.

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