Email Notification Redirect Anomaly

Hello All,

I am not too sure if I am doing something wrong or if the outcome below is expected for the following scenario.

When triggering a notification via workflows, while having the email redirect enabled, I have noticed the original recipient in the subject line will come through as null. I reviewed the output of the workflow test results and can confirm the email is being captured correctly and is not null. For example:

The same scenario using the standard email triggers, such as Lifecycle State Change, will populate the original recipient in the subject line. For example:

Is this a defect or is my expectation incorrect?

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Hi Blaise,

Just to clarify, are you using the “Send Email” action in Workflows?

There is an open issue with engineering regarding this issue of null recipients, and it is currently being worked on. I will update this thread once a fix is in place.

Correct, I am using the Send Email action in the workflow.

Is there a way I can find out more details about this defect? I would like to understand the extent of the defect a bit better.

If we removed the email redirection would IdentityNow send the email to the actual recipient, or would it still fail because it believes the recipient is null? Is this a visual thing or an actual backend thing?

Do we know when this will be resolved?

There isn’t a way to track progress since it is an internal ticket. I reviewed the details of the ticket, and it appears that this defect is only present when redirecting emails to a test address. If you disable the test address option in the email config, then the original recipient should show up properly.

There are a couple of proposed solutions. One is omit the “Original recipient” text from subject if it’s being redirected to a test address. The other option is to have an email show up in place of null. If there is a solution you prefer, I can forward your choice to the engineering team.

Awesome, thank you for the confirmation.

My preference would be to have an email show up in place of the null.

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As an update, it appears this issue has been resolved and is no longer occurring for me.

You are correct. I just received notification from engineering that the issue has been fixed.