Reaching out to everyone for some suggestions on how to edit the attributes under identity profiles. The visual studio dont support this approach nor the UI. So any suggestion on how to add lastabclogin to lastabclogin Date Type?
Could you explain with an example what you are trying to do, ui allows add/remove etc as desired other methods like api -names have to be unique so you may need to add a new attribute configured as you want and remove the old.
Hi Nikhlesh,
We currently have some attributes created which are lastawslogin and needs to be changed to lastawslogin Date Type but thats not possible from the ISC plugin of VS. It shows the the below error
Error: The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.)
We currently have some attributes created which are lastawslogin and needs to be changed to lastawslogin Date Type but thats not possible from the ISC plugin of VS. It shows the the below error
Error: The request was syntactically correct but its content is semantically invalid.)
This this is limited by the current API’s, the name is the Sailpoint internal technical name and must be unique. It isn’t currently possible to change the name, you will need to create a new attribute and remap to achieve this.