On the on boarding process users have their personal email set. In that way they can set their initial password.
After that alternate email is removed using a transform.
We don’t want to allow them to change their passwords using “Update Password” button on ISC Dashboard.
So we use a transform that removes alternate mail when AD password is set.
If the personal email is completed manually by the user in the preferences page (https://{tenant}.identitynow.com/ui/d/user-preferences/general-settings) will be able to update the password.
We think we can develop a Workflow that removes personal email each time the user completes it but CC API that allows that is deprecated.
POST https://{tenant}.api.identitynow.com/cc/api/user/update
Set the email to empty to remove the alternate email.
“phone”: “+1 555-555-5555”,
“email”: “”
We read that the replacement would be available before March 31st, 2024
Do u know if the new API is available? or any workaround to our requeriement?
@jsayago, referring personal email and alternate email are same? If you are removing alternate email via transform? what is the specific need to go via workflows?
The need to go via WFs arise cause the manual setting of the mail has precedence over the transform. If you complete the mail manually the transform has no efect over it.
personal Email = alternate Email
@jsayago, Once the AD password is set for work email, having alternate email updated by the users manually in UI will have any impact? said that, will they be able to reset the password via alternate email? sorry too many questions.