Apologies if I’m way off the mark with this but I’m not making much progress with the docs or any existing topics. I’m new to IDN in general so I’m a bit out of my depth.
My identities have an endDate attribute (ISO8601 format) that I want to modify based on an identities timezone attribute (formatted as an expression for dateMath, i.e. if a user is in NYC their timezone attribute = “-5/h”).
I have tried to use nested transforms to achieve this but I am having no luck. Here is one of many attempts:
Yes, instead of using a dynamic expression for dateMath, try using the account attribute as the expression. One thing I noticed though in your description is you want to subtract 5 hours for NYC timezone with your dynamic expression equating to -5/h. This wouldn’t work as the expression to subtract 5 hours needs to be syntaxed like this “-5h”, the / would be added if you wanted to round up or down to an hour or second, e.g “-5h/s” would subtract 5 hours and round to the second.
Thanks Ashutosh but as I called out in my post, all dates (specifically endDate here) are already in ISO8601 format before transforms apply. The issue I am having is with the expression, which is not a date
Edit: Ashutosh do you mean that when the attribute endDate is imported via source the account schema should be set to Int or Boolean and not string?
To all those that find this in the future, this solution worked. The error I referred to below when using this approach was because of the issue I had in another transform which was formatting the expression incorrectly
My transform to calculate the expression based on the country code had each output in the format +1/h instead of +1h/h (for hour roundup) or just +1h for no roundup.