Download Health Report for all sources in IdentityNow

Hi All,

I am looking to download the health status report for all the source in the tenant.

  1. Please suggest the ways to achieve this goal
  2. What are the permissions required to perform this activity.
  3. Can we download the report from ISC UI?(Currently no option for me to download)

Any suggestion much appreciated.

Thank you!

Hi @SKYadav,

Welcome to the Sailpoint developper community !

You can use the sources list endpoint to retrieve all of your tenant sources list-sources | SailPoint Developer Community

You have an attributes called status that indicate your source status/health :


From the ui i don’t think if you can export that.


Maybe able to get additional info from the Task management API per source assignment as well.

Hi @SKYadav,

You can also use System health Notification configuration to get the details. Please refer to below document.



Hi @baoussounda ,

Thank you for your response. I am looking for any custom script or query to get the consolidate health status of all the resources to download.

Ex :
$sources = Get-IdentityNowSource
$status = foreach ($source in $sources)
Test-IdentityNowSourceConnection -sourceid $source | select name, {$source}

Note : Above script is not tested yet


You can achieve that by using SDK PowerShell SDK | SailPoint Developer Community

You have a functions for retrieve sources and then you can save it in csv file by selecting only name, status or other important attribute for you.

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@baoussounda provided the correct API for getting the source health. The script is something that you can write yourself. I have a video where I demonstrate methods for doing this.

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