Disable Azure AD accounts from Sail Point with Lastlogin time stamp attribute

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Version 8.3

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Hi All,

I am new to this development position. Seeking your assistance on the below task. Kindly provide your support.

Customer wants me to find the accounts from sail point that are inactive for more than 90 days in both Azure AD and AD with the help of last login time stamp attribute. But I have this attribute only in AD application and not in Azure AD in Sail point. Kindly help me how to add this attribute in Azure AD application connected in Sail Point, compare those accounts with AD to get the final user list who are inactive in both AD & Azure AD and then to inactive those accounts from Sail Point.

Thanks in Advance!

Hi @NPM15,

Welcome to the SailPoint developer community.

Try these resources they’d prove to be very helpful. These resources may be tweaked to tend to your requirement.

Thanks much @sreeram Let me explore the blogs :slightly_smiling_face:

@sreeram I can able to get that attribute from Azure by importing the rules as stated in the blog, but the value is not as expected timestamp it just showing “Never” for all identities in sailpoint. Kindly assist me on this.

Did you make any changes to the attached rule and customization rule?

If any could you attach the amended rule as well as the log here

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With 8.3 this is available out of the box, make sure you are using graph API and the sailpoint app in azure has permissions to read it. the scehma attribute should be lastNonInteractiveSignInDateTime and lastSignInDateTime

@abhishek_chowdhury I have done this but its not fetching values from Azure AD. That’s why reached here for assistance.

Yes, I did changes as I don’t have JSon deserializer jar files so just changed it. PFA
rule.getAzureADLastSignIn.xml (9.4 KB)

Below API permissions are granted in Azure AD. Is that enough to get the value for Lastsignindatetime? kindly confirm please


You need AuditLog.read.all permission

Permission added. But as per Last Login for Accounts. sail point provides OOTB to get the last sign in values from azure AD. I did tried that also but values are not aggregating from Azure AD to sailpoint.

Hi @NPM15 did you get this working ? I am also having similar requirement

Hi Vijay,

SailPoint confirmed that this feature is not supported in 8.3 version. So I just followed the links shared by Sreeram in this discussion and tested in UAT. I can able to get the last sign in values from Azure but after adding the beta entry key in the application xml file under sailpoint debug.