DevSAK iiqExport with date filter

IIQ version

8.3P3 (Windows) with DevSAK v1.5.0

Problem Details

I’m trying to create a DevSAK script to export QuickLink artifacts from an IIQ instance where the modified or create date is today’s date minus one.

Using a static value in an iiqExport command source script works:

set matchDate "01/Oct/2020"
iiqExport -directory temp -filterString 'modified>@$matchDate$@ || created>@$matchDate$@' -objectClass QuickLink  -clean 

Not sure how to dynamically calculate the date (current date - 1) for the export command in the DevSAK Client.

I’ve tried setting an Environment variable (in batch script that executes the devsak client) and using the getEnv command in the source script. However the getEnv commands seems to be broken as I get “Variable x does not exist”, even though listEnv shows the environment variable.

For example:

> listEnv
  "DEVSAK_CURRENTDATE": "02/Oct/2024",
ConsoleException: Variable 'DEVSAK_CURRENTDATE' does not exist.

Trying any other environment variable listed from listEnv results in the same exception.

Any thoughts on how to get and use a dynamic date for the iiqExport command?

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