Demo tenant cannot connect to IQService

Thanks @iamology. This is good information. This tells us that your VA is able to reach the destination server via ICMP, but is unable to reach it via port 5050 for the IQService. It’s good we are able to contact the server, but we need to be able to communicate on port 5050 in order to achieve IQService connectivity, since 5050 is the port you configured for the IQSService.

Configure the Host Firewall

Go to the server that has the IQService installed and verify port 5050 is allowing communication from the virtual appliances. You can do this by modifying the host firewall rules and adding an ALLOW rule for port 5050 (and other ports as needed, such as 389, 636, etc.)

Successful Test

Once you configure the firewall to allow connections on port 5050, try the test again. You should see a successful connection like the image below:


Once you receive a connection succeeded message, you should be able to connect. Let me know how it goes!