Delta aggregation for JDBC connector

Which IIQ version are you inquiring about?


Hi Team,

We don’t have any separate table in database which stores delta changes. In this scenario, Is there any way to run delta aggregation for JDBC application which will just bring changes from database?



Hi @Reshma_sonawane,

You must configure a delta aggregation table in database to run the delta aggregation in JDBC application.


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Hi @Reshma_sonawane,

the delta aggrergation needs of those tables:

Db aggregation run based on the query added in SQL Statement , if you database has some information which can give you last modified / when updated then when you run the aggregation task and you can try adding another sequential task which can get you when you last ran aggregation and then modify the application configuration to add that in query .

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@Reshma_sonawane ,

Just sharing one useful link for this. You can go through it if you need.

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