Delimited File BuildMap - Map > Making a new column possible?

Hi guys!

Google is giving me a bunch of weird java examples that I’m having a hard time parsing. Requesting any idea’s here for being able to make a column at the end to show as an entitlement.

We have a delimited file source with a couple columns built out via the Connector BuildMaps function.

Is it possible to get this to make a new column at the end?

Below is some snippets from the code that work correctly.

Map map = DelimitedFileConnector.defaultBuildMap( cols, record );
   String accessToAdmin = (String) map.get( "Admin" );
   String accessToDDATransfer = (String) map.get( "DDA Transfer" );

//Then it does some if statements to pull that data and clean it
if (accessToAdmin != null && accessToAdmin.equals("X")) {
      map.put("Admin", "Admin");
   if (accessToDDATransfer != null && accessToDDATransfer.equals("X")) {
      map.remove("DDA Transfer");
      map.put("DDA Transfer","DDA Transfer");

Are you trying to achieve one single multi-valued attribute which represents the accounts entitlements? I would suggest building a List of the values you consider to be an entitlement, and then adding an account schema attribute that is multi-valued and marked as entitlement.

For example:

Map map = DelimitedFileConnector.defaultBuildMap( cols, record );
List entitlements = new ArrayList();
   String accessToAdmin = (String) map.get( "Admin" );
   String accessToDDATransfer = (String) map.get( "DDA Transfer" );

//Then it does some if statements to pull that data and clean it
if (accessToAdmin != null && accessToAdmin.equals("X")) {
   if (accessToDDATransfer != null && accessToDDATransfer.equals("X")) {
      map.remove("DDA Transfer");
      entitlements.add("DDA Transfer");
map.put("Entitlements", entitlements);

Well, that’s half the battle right there, the attribute in question isn’t actually in the spreadsheet, rather its something that’s given to them as part of the baseline of them being in the app itself.

I’m still learning the ins and outs with both Java & IdentityNow haha.