Define variable operator in workflow

We have created a workflow where we are fetching the entitlements from account and passing it to get access and manage access to add the entitlement for account creation.
For single entitlement it is working fine, we need to add loop for multiple entitlements.

Loop input is not supporting the string input.

We have added define variable operator to store the entitlements into a variable and later using it to add access. In case of multiple entitlement, we need to save define variable in the form of array. I checked in Define variable documentation, it only support string and integer in few cases but not array.

Is there any workaround for this requirement.

Hi @Sgupta1,

If you can share your WF JSON (after masking the sensitive data), that’s going to be helpful.

The below info seems to be missing :

  1. What trigger are you using in the WF
  2. Why are you fetching the entitlements from the account and then trying to add again.?

@Sgupta1 It’s been helpful if you share more info or the workflow json file.


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