Default Provisioning Attributes Reference

For the Active Directory source, the accountExpires attribute must be defined as a string. The value of the accountExpires attribute can be set in the Microsoft defined timestamp that represents the number of 100-nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601 (UTC).

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

This documentation could use some updating. It would be great to cover common cases like Exchange hybrid on-prem/Exchange Online configurations where we need to configure a remoteRoutingAddress. I’ve historically seen this done in the afterCreate script using PowerShell, but it would be helpful if the documentation could include the official recommendation on how this sort of thing should be done via SailPoint.

This topic is discussed on Compass here, but this isn’t linked to from the Connector documentation. This should either be linked, or directly copied into the Connector documentation.

Hi Mark! Thank you for your input. We’ve created a Jira issue to track the effort and we’ll update the comment thread when it’s been addressed: CONDOCS-4651

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