We have an identity attribute which is encoded using transform operation"type": "base64Encode". For our use case, in the workflow, we want to decode it and send out SMS with the decoded attribute value. Is there any way for us to achieve this?
A quite newly added function to workflows is that you can transform input data with the “Define Variable” action. However, as I have not tried this very much I am not sure if the type base64Decode is supported for this functionality, could be worth a try however!
Another idea is to add another attribute to the identity profile without a base64Encoder, and use this raw value for the workflow instead, if this is a possibility?
Hi @Swegmann, thanks for the input. However, I do not see any way for us to define any transform operation in this step other that the options given here:
I don’t see a possibility to Base64Decode in the workflow. However, just wondering what’s reason behind Base64Encoding the telephone number. If you are trying to hide the actual number, encoding it will really not help as anyone can decode this string using one of the many online tools available.
Hi @iamology, it is not a telephone number attribute and it is due to the requirement from our side to not display clear text value for this attribute value in the identity profile. But yes, thanks for the input!