DateFormat Transform and AD whenChanged attribute

Hello all,

I am attempting to transform the whenChanged attribute from AD into the ISO8601 format.

I mapped the transform through the Identity Profile → Mapping; while previewing, no Identity Value is being displayed, the preview (original?) value is. Example preview value: 20230523142127.0Z

example transform:

    "name": "Date Format Transform for iSeries",
    "type": "dateFormat",
    "attributes": {
        "inputFormat": "LDAP",
        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
    "internal": false

I’ve tried different values for both inputFormat and outputFormat :

inputFormat values tried:


outputFormat values tried:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.S

Additionally, I’ve tried to add the input accountAttribute for this whenChanged attribute, but in addition to the Identity Value remaining as no value, the Preview Value is no longer displayed.


    "name": "iSeries DateFormat Transform AD whenChanged",
    "type": "dateFormat",
    "attributes": {
        "input": {
            "type": "accountAttribute",
            "attributes": {
                "attributeName": "whenChanged",
                "sourceName": "Active Directory"
        "inputFormat": "yyyyMMddHHmmss.Z",
        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
    "internal": false

Any thoughts as to why the transform isn’t working? Thank you!

Hi @moss_snake_01

Use below transform instead and make sure ‘whenChanged’ attribute is defined in the schema of your AD application,

    "name": "iSeries DateFormat Transform AD whenChanged",
    "type": "dateFormat",
    "attributes": {
        "input": {
            "type": "accountAttribute",
            "attributes": {
                "attributeName": "whenChanged",
                "sourceName": "Active Directory"
        "inputFormat": "yyyyMMddHHmmss",
        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
    "internal": false

Thanks, Abhinav. That did the trick! I took the format originally from the doc: Date Format | SailPoint Developer Community – which had it:

LDAP: This is the date format corresponding to the LDAP date format standard, also expressed as “yyyyMMddHHmmss.Z”.

I took the long format expression as acceptable – but it seems it isn’t coming in as this anyways. Could you help me understand why?

Hi @moss_snake_01

I am glad it worked out.

This is so because the ‘SimpleDateFormat’ of Java served as the foundation for IdentityNow’s long format expression.


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