You’re seeing this format for end date because the output of dateMath transform is not formatted as ISO8601 — it formats date as yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm … You’ll need to put that entire transform as input in a dateFormat transform to convert it to ISO8601. FYI - the dateMath Compass article mentions the required input format for date (ISO8601) and how it formats the output (yyyy-MM-dd’T’HH:mm).
@lisa_ivy Thanks, I see that now. Is there a reason that it converts to that format rather than keeping it in ISO8601? Is there a name for that format?
Sorry, I don’t know the reasoning on why the transform has the output in that format, rather than ISO8601. I don’t think that format has a formal name.
Here’s the new transform. Note that you’ll have to delete the old transform and create a new one (if you want to use the same name) because if you try to PUT and replace the existing transform, you’ll receive an error because it has a different transform type (as the outmost operation).