Custom Connector using openconnector framwork is giving compilation error

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Using the custom connector tutorial in compass community in the below link, I am trying to configure the code attached at the bottom of the link:

while trying to configure this sample I am getting compilation error:
The type connector.common.statisticscollector.StatisticsCollector cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required type openconnector.AbstractConnector

I checked in openConnector.jar. It does not have this class StatisticsCollector in it. So not sure, if anyone is able to build this sample code or any other custom connector code using AbstractConnector class.

Anyone please help me on thisl

Hi @avikrsingh23,

have you import WEB-INF/lib in your project?


Yes, I imported jars from WEB-INF/lib as well but still issue is there.

If your connector works on IIQ version 8.0 but not on 8.4, it might be an issue with the reorg of the jar files to separate the connector jars from the system. You might be able to use the new feature I wrote into SSB v7.0.2 If you need help with that please reach out. I added a feature where you put your code into the connectorsrc folder and follow the file Connector-build-addition-to-SSB.pdf

Thanks for your reply.
I am facing the same issue in 8.0, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4 etc. Though I have not tried it in IIQ versions before 8.0.

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