Creating Certification Campaigns from postman

I am relatively new to Sailpoint.
I am trying to create a certification campaign in IdentityNow using REST API from postman application.
Below are the details I am using for the same.

Authorization: Bearer [“access_token here”]
JSON body for the POST method: {
“accessInclusionList”: null,
“allowAutoRevoke”: false,
“deadline”: “2021-06-01”,
“description”: “This identity access review is generated from API”,
“disableEmail”: false,
“identityIdList”: [“8c298f385aac402aa8a5f35efcc9dc00”],
“identityQueryString”: null,
“name”: “Access Review API test”,
“staged”: false,
“staticReviewerId”: “0297cfdcbed64b60ae4283326da6ccd0”,
“timeZone”: “GMT-0600”,
“type”: “Identity”

And it is failing every time with below Response:
“msg_template”: “Internal Server Error”,
“slpt_error_code”: “SLPT-1009”,
“formatted_msg”: “Internal Server Error”,
“exception_id”: “179939ABF3F”,
“error_code”: 1009,
“exception_class”: “”,
“exception_detail”: {
“file”: “”,
“method”: “defaultFailureHandler”,
“line_number”: 240,
“class”: “”
“http_response_code”: 500,
“timestamp”: “2021-05-22 10:24:22.847”,
“exception_message”: “Internal Server Error”

Is it the JSON input I am providing is incorrect or there is anything else I am missing here?

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Hi @Prachi,

The API you are using is part of our private APIs, which aren’t well documented and may change suddenly. We do have a beta API for creating campaigns that should work for you. Check out the docs at I see that you are specifying a list of identities to include in the campaign. You can use the searchCampaignInfo object in your request body to specify a list of identities. Let me know if this helps or if you have any more questions about the beta API.

Thank you. I will check beta API