Creating a Custom Report With HQL

In a Report, I am trying to add a query to get the entitlements but cannot feed it as a query.

                  List entitlements = new ArrayList();
                  List entitlementList = new ArrayList();
                  entitlementList = args.getList("entitlements");

                  if((entitlementList != null) && (!entitlementList.isEmpty())){
                    for (String entitlementMap : entitlementList)
                      IdentityItem ent = new IdentityItem();
                      ent.setApplication((String) entitlementMap.get("app"));
                      ent.setName((String) entitlementMap.get("attr"));

query += " and iri.value in (:entitlements)";

Its empty

Hi @fgholani,

I think this part is the queryScript. Before this you must define the main query and in queryScript you can add others critiria.

See my post, where I explain how to do: Report: How to modify and create custom report


                from IdentityRequestItem iri,IdentityRequest ir, Application app where iri.identityRequest = and iri.application = and iri.operation = 'Add'


The above is in query and the one in the main question is in queryscript

In iri.value you have the name of entitlement, so you need to pass a list of entitlement name.
You must modify your queryScript depends how you have in the argument entitlements.

If you already have a list of name, you can use it, like this:

Object ents = args.get("entitlements");
if (ents != null && !ents.isEmpty()){
  query +=  " and iri.value  in( :entitlements ) ";

also if you a list of id you can try to use iri.attributes.identityEntitlementId, but I dont know if it work, I never try.

PS There you are using a String like a Map: