Hello developers
I’m building a before provisioning rule for a web service connector which updates the final endpoint to place the role and the email user in the URL, however, the resulting URL concatenates the roles, that is, I require a structure like this for each entitlement:
https://mydomain.com/test/entitlementName1?action=add&[email protected]
https://mydomain.com/test/entitlementName2?action=add&[email protected]
But with this rule I get the URL with the concatenated entitlements separated by a comma:
https://mydomain.com/test/entitlementName1,entitlementName2?action=add&[email protected]
How can I make an event be processed for each entitlement to be added?
The rule I use is the following:
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AccountRequest;
import sailpoint.object.ProvisioningPlan.AttributeRequest;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.net.URLEncoder;
// Initialize variables
String userEmail = null;
String entitlementName = null;
// Retrieve user's email and entitlement name from the provisioning plan
if (provisioningPlan != null) {
// Iterate over account requests
List<AccountRequest> accountRequests = provisioningPlan.getAccountRequests();
for (AccountRequest accountRequest : accountRequests) {
// Get the native identity (user's account identifier)
if (accountRequest.getNativeIdentity() != null) {
userEmail = accountRequest.getNativeIdentity();
// Iterate over attribute requests to find email and entitlement name
List<AttributeRequest> attrRequests = accountRequest.getAttributeRequests();
if (attrRequests != null) {
for (AttributeRequest attrReq : attrRequests) {
String attrName = attrReq.getName();
Object attrValue = attrReq.getValue();
// Retrieve the user's email
if ("email".equalsIgnoreCase(attrName) && attrValue != null) {
userEmail = attrValue.toString();
// Retrieve the entitlement name
if ("entitlementName".equalsIgnoreCase(attrName) && attrValue != null) {
entitlementName = attrValue.toString();
// Handle missing email
if (userEmail == null || userEmail.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("User email is not available in the provisioning plan.");
// Escape the '@' character in the email
String escapedEmail = userEmail.replace("@", "%40");
// Handle missing entitlement name
if (entitlementName == null || entitlementName.isEmpty()) {
throw new Exception("Entitlement name is not available in the provisioning plan.");
// URL-encode the entitlement name
String encodedEntitlementName = URLEncoder.encode(entitlementName, "UTF-8");
// Construct the new endpoint URL
String baseUrl = "https://myserver.com/test/";
String newEndpointUrl = baseUrl + encodedEntitlementName + "?action=add&user=" + escapedEmail + "&parts=all";
// Set the new endpoint URL in the requestEndPoint
// Optionally, log the new URL for debugging
log.info("Modified endpoint URL: " + newEndpointUrl);
// Return the modified requestEndPoint
return requestEndPoint;
I hope you can help me