Contractors - Last name being empty in workday

Hello everyone,
We currently have a contractor company in India. When accounts are created in workday, not all accounts are created with last name filled out since last name is not a mandatory field to be filled out in India. Some users do not have an official last name.

To my understanding, sailpoint requires to have a first name, last name and email address in order for an identity to be created in sailpoint else there is an identity exception.

I would like to know how we can handle such situations since we currently have provisioning enabled in sailpoint and accounts with no last name are not being created and they show up as identity exceptions.

Yes, Last Name is mandatory for identity cube to be created.

For such identities to be created, you can use a First Valid transform to set last name to something static like “NO-LAST-NAME” so it still indicates there is no last name but the cube will be created. During the downstream provisioning you can check the last name value and if its this static value, skip populating it.

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