Connection using Authorization Code

Sign in to Identity Security Cloud and create a new OAuth client. Go to Admin > Global > API Management > New.

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at

Has anyone been able to follow these instructions and get the application to work?

I see that Step 11 says " Select authorization_flow as the OAuth Authorization flow method to be used to obtain the access token to call the REST API." but authorization_flow does not exist, so i am using authorization_code. Does this part of the instructions need updated?

Then in following Step 12, i enter the name of the OAuth App from within SailPoint API Management. But this does not seem to work. We get an error on the ServiceNow page. The error says:

Cannot connect to SailPoint IdentityNow server. Please contact Administrator. Error Code 001- Check Admin Setup.

If i change this OAuth value for step 12 to the OAuth name as in Step 6, then we get the same error.

Anyone able to assist with getting this to work?
We are currently working this in our Dev and Sandbox environments.

Thanks in Advance ~!

Step 7 confuses me. If I log in to ISC as me and create a PAT, then ISC is connecting to ServiceNow as me. Then if i leave the org or switch roles my access in ISC is going to go away and cause the integration to break.

Can someone clarify what is supposed to happen.