Configuring ServiceNow Service Catalog approval definitions and rules

:bangbang: The recording for this event can be viewed here:

Come join Expert Ambassador Mark Cheek as he explains how ServiceNow’s extensibility can be used to make access approvals in the Service Catalog Integration as dynamic as your business needs require. This hands-on demonstration will provide an overview of how to configure approval definitions and rules and use ServiceNow scripts to create complex approval rules.


I’ll happily take requests for specific use cases and try and work them in if there’s time


Do I just use this link to view the streaming? or separate link? Email addresses please to reach out? Derek Putnam or Colin McKibben

Make sure you click “going” above to unlock the stream. The stream will begin 10 minutes before.

I know keyboard and setup is important to everyone, so here’s how I’m set up


The recording is linked in the description above

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