Collecting Role Membership Criteria / PowerShell 7 / Role Importer

  1. I do have a version of the I/O tool provided a while back. I will revisit some of the work I did exploring the functionality. I will look into the ides site, thanks for the suggestion.

  2. Yeah, the limit option causes the API call to fail, but I will try an Offset loop to gather the information that I am looking for.

  3. [ { "description": "IdentityNow Birthright Access Role - This role was created to facilitate the birthright access for each associate based on job location and title.", "owner": { "type": "IDENTITY", "id": "The Boss", "name": "Fake Source Owner" }, "accessProfiles": [ { "type": "ACCESS_PROFILE", "id": "8675309", "name": "Fake AD Access Profile" }, { "type": "ACCESS_PROFILE", "id": "2c918CFakeID", "name": "Not A Real AD Access Profile" } ], "membership": { "type": "STANDARD", "criteria": { "operation": "AND", "key": null, "stringValue": "", "children": [ { "operation": "OR", "key": null, "stringValue": "", "children": [ { "operation": "EQUALS", "key": { "type": "IDENTITY", "property": "attribute.cloudLifecycleState", "sourceId": "" }, "stringValue": "active", "children": [] }, { "operation": "EQUALS", "key": { "type": "IDENTITY", "property": "attribute.cloudLifecycleState", "sourceId": "" }, "stringValue": "loa", "children": [] } ] }, { "operation": "EQUALS", "key": { "type": "IDENTITY", "property": "attribute.jobTitle", "sourceId": "" }, "stringValue": "Sailor", "children": [] }, { "operation": "EQUALS", "key": { "type": "IDENTITY", "property": "attribute.location", "sourceId": "" }, "stringValue": "Pacific Ocean", "children": [] }, { "operation": "CONTAINS", "key": { "type": "ACCOUNT", "property": "attribute.distinguishedName", "sourceId": "Active Directory" }, "stringValue": "DC", "children": [] } ] }, "identities": null }, "legacyMembershipInfo": null, "enabled": true, "requestable": false, "accessRequestConfig": { "commentsRequired": false, "denialCommentsRequired": false, "approvalSchemes": [] }, "revocationRequestConfig": { "commentsRequired": false, "denialCommentsRequired": false, "approvalSchemes": [] }, "segments": null, "id": "alpha centauri", "name": "Fake Role Name", "created": "2021-04-01T20:11:46.794Z", "modified": "2021-04-01T20:27:04.548Z" } ]

I have modified the PII, but the format should hold true to what I am trying to digest and return the COMPLEX_CRITERIA for. I hope that I added it correctly to the form.

On a side note, I will be on PTO until 8/31/20212 and will review/respond on my return. Thanks for digging in.

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