Hi all,
We use cloud rules as workaround when regular out of the box functionality is not sufficient. The downside of cloud rules is that they have to be checked/approved/deployed by SailPoint, which can be time consuming. However, we still require this process when we can’t achieve the desired behavior using other SailPoint functionality.
Recently we needed to update a cloud rule slightly, but we then received the remark that the rule did not pass the rule validator anymore with the message:
[RegExRuleValidator(621)] Script is more then 65536 bytes, reduce complexity.
It seems that this is a new limitation SailPoint added as the previous rule was also bigger in size than that.
This (arbitrary?) limitation is now preventing us to update functionality that we were able to rely on in the past. I don’t see the need of this limitation and I don’t see why large customers with complex requirements are not allowed to use cloud rules anymore. Even if the rule is low in complexity but simply requires a large mapping table, I don’t see why this can’t be deployed.
Is there a way how this added limitation can be removed again?
P.S. There is a small typo in the message as it is more than
rather than more then
, but that is irrelevant if the constraint will hopefully be removed again.
Kind regards,
I’m currently discussing this with the devops team to understand why this limit exists and what we should do with exceptions like yours.
Can you please provide the rule in question, either in this topic or in a private message?
Thank you @colin_mckibben!
I will send you a private message
After discussing with devops, we have a conclusion. The limit was put in place because there is a GitHub action that outputs the rule in a comment on the PR, and GitHub comments have a limit of 64K. This limit prevented the GitHub action from failing, but also caused the issue where you could no longer pass validation.
The team is looking into increasing this limit in the short term to unblock customers like yourself who have large rules in place already. In the long term, they are looking at adding a soft limit to the validator to flag large rules (size TBD) for further review. Large rules may benefit from further analysis by Professional Services where they can recommend best practices and suggestions to reduce the overall rule size.
Please stay tuned for an update on when the limit is increased so you can proceed with your rule submission.
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Hi @colin_mckibben,
Thank you having these discussions. Has there be any update in the meantime?
We are waiting for this to ensure that we can move the updated version in production and we are blocked in the meantime.
The limit has supposedly been increased. Can you try again?
Hi @colin_mckibben, that is great!
I asked a colleague and he confirmed today that it got through this time
Thank you for your help!
Hi @colin_mckibben,
The issue is occurring again for the same rule:
[RegExRuleValidator(621)] Script is more then 65536 bytes, reduce complexity. Sailpoint ticket - CS0315031.
How big is it? Do you know the exact byte size?