Check Expired Mitigations not working for Plugin PolicyExcutor

Hello Experts,

we are on IIQ 8.x version. And we have implemented the PluginPolicyExecutor, the plugin policy executed successfully during Identity Refresh, PolicyViolation created successfully and User mitigated the plugin also successfully.

After that while we run Task: Check Expired Mitigations, it returns error:

While enable the trace log under sailpoint.api.interrogator class, we noticed that buildPolicyExecutor pass null to pluginName parameter, and this cause issue while instantiate policy executor class:
2024-08-16T13:21:22,016 TRACE QuartzScheduler_Worker-3 sailpoint.api.Interrogator:138 - Entering buildPolicyExecutor(policyName = xyz, executorClassName =, pluginName = null)

Do we confirm this is a bug from IIQ product, if yes, do we already have efix or do we know when this bug can be fixed.

Thanks and Regards,

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