Certification escalation rule

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In my certification escalation rule I am trying to do this:

Identity entity = item.getCertificationEntity( );

however, turns out, item, which is an input argument in escalation rules is a workitem and not a certification item. so, the API above returns null. I have some additional logic on the entity object which I cant execute. how do I get the entity identity for the item the escalation rule is being iterated over?


You can try it out but it is an other rule type:

<Rule language="beanshell" name="Offboarding" type="CertificationPhaseChange">

import sailpoint.object.*;
    import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

    Logger log = Logger.getLogger("Offboarding");
    log.debug("Completed entities: " + certification.getCompletedEntities());
    log.debug("Completed items: " + certification.getCompletedItems());

    for (CertificationEntity certificationEntity : certification.getEntities()) {
      for (CertificationItem certificationItem : certificationEntity.getItems()) {
        if (certificationItem.getAction() != null &amp;&amp; certificationItem.getAction().getStatus().equals(CertificationAction.Status.Approved)) {
          log.debug("CertificationItem is complete and approved");

          String   identityName = certificationItem.getIdentity();
          Identity identity     = context.getObjectByName(Identity.class, identityName);
          identity.setAttribute("xyz", "Checked");

        }else {
          log.debug("CertificationItem is " + certificationItem.getAction().getStatus());

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according to my business needs I need it done while the certification is still active , not when the phase changes, unfortunately

Hi @dmaan

I have already created a dummy certification I can see that cerification object is accesible there…

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Rule PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Rule language="beanshell" name="test" type="CertificationPhaseChange">
  <Description>This rule is run when the certification either enters or leaves a phase.</Description>
  <Signature returnType="void">
      <Argument name="log" type="org.apache.commons.logging.Log">
          The log object associated with the SailPointContext.
      <Argument name="context" type="sailpoint.api.SailPointContext">
          A sailpoint.api.SailPointContext object that can be used to query the database if necessary.
      <Argument name="certification">
          The sailpoint.object.Certification being certified.
      <Argument name="certificationItem">
          The sailpoint.object.CertificationItem that is being certified.
      <Argument name="previousPhase">
          Certification.Phase (may be null) that is the previous phase.
      <Argument name="nextPhase">
          Certification.Phase (may be null) that is the next phase.

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please see my response above

  1. What type of certification are you using?
  2. Which step is relevant here?
  3. Can you share some screenshots or more code of the rule?
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