When creating campaigns from search campaign from search I am attempting to display some attributes for the campaign reviewers. What is shown to me as an option is via the “Column Chooser”, in which under attributes there are as many selections as there are data fields in my Delimited File Connector source. But, when the campaign is created, I am limited to choosing only the field that is an Entitlement of Group type (it is also multi valued). Whenever I attempt to use the additional field I would like to display, I select it as an entitlement but of type string. Not only do I get an orphaned entitlement warning, but no change in the options for additional fields during an active campaign. Is there something I am doing wrong? Or maybe some documentation I have overlooked?
Can you provide some screenshots of what you are doing?
Under each accounts attributes I want the Last Login Time Stamp to be shown in the campaign
Then in the create uncorrelated campaign from search menu, I see that under attributes I get many options. Including the one I want to see, Last Login Time/Date
I then select from the column chooser the attributes field which I am hoping includes last login date
The same option is selected in the active certification campaign view after I create it
But only the member of shows up in the campaign under attribute:
Is it because in the source Account Schema I have the Member Of set as the entitlement?
Because when I try to set the last login date as an entitlement type of string I get an orphaned entitlements messae
You shouldn’t need to adjust the Account Schema.
The reviewer should get additional information when they click on the entitlement when they are completing the Certification Campaign.
This is an example of what I see when I click on an Active Directory entitlement in an Uncorrelated Account Campaign:
I think the issue is that I am not getting enough information to show up in the entitlements pane such as you have above.
And I am wondering if maybe I am missing something in the documentation for setting up a campaign or a delimited file source.
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