Can't find email template related to generation of a manual task

When a manual task is created, IDN sends an email to the task owner with subject “Changes requested to xxxx need manual interaction”. I can’t find the Email Template (in Admin > Global > Email Templates) that might be used to customize this mail.

(The out-of-the-box mail body is pretty ugly: it is essentially a long string of concatenated account attributes).

I don’t see any templates either. Can you please submit an idea to add this message to the email templates?

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You should be able to access that template via https://$($orgName)

The particular template name is “Pending Manual Changes”

More details on the API for those templates:


I didn’t realize that email template is in the API but not the UI. If that’s the case, then you might also try the beta endpoint for notification templates. list-notification-templates | SailPoint Developer Community

You can use this endpoint to perform the update to the email body. create-notification-template | SailPoint Developer Community.

I spoke to soon. The beta endpoint doesn’t include the “Pending Manual Changes” template. Only the CC API has it. I will submit a ticket on your behalf to have the product team take a look at this.

I also received info from SailPoint Support. The email template can indeed be managed via the /cc/api/emialTemplate/list and /cc/api/emialTemplate/update endpoints. The template remains invisible in the UI, but I was at least able to format the body according to my wishes.

Thanks all for the feedback.