Cannot upload file using Java Bean

Hi, I wanted to upload a csv file to SailPoint using a custom JavaBean to process it and while I’m tracing the process the file appears null because it is not entering in method setUploadFile().

I send the code below from the xhtml and JavaBean.


<p:fileUpload id="fileupload" value="#{customImportBean.uploadFile}" mode="simple" accept="text/csv"/>


public class CustomImportBean extends BaseBean {
	private UploadedFile uploadFile;

	public void setUploadFile(UploadedFile uploadFile) {
		try {
			this.uploadFile = uploadFile;
		} catch (Throwable throwable) {
			throw throwable;

    public UploadedFile getUploadFile() {
	    try {
	        return this.uploadFile;
	    } catch (Throwable throwable) {
	        throw throwable;

Thanks in advance!