Bulk update Privilege entitlement flag value

Hello Everyone

I have a requirement to bulk update entitlement attribute ‘Privileged=true’. BY default, this attribute value is ‘false’.

Is there any way we can achieve this?


Hi @mabhavsa ,

Check this. You need to get the entitlement IDs using search and pass them in the body. Limit is 250. You can pass 250 at a time

@mabhavsa @JackSparrow This API is in under testing. And update limit is 50 entitlements you can update at a time.

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Thanks Sagar! I got confused with other APIs limit.

I would create a script, get all entitlements you want to update and iterate over them, for each entitlement set Privileged = true.

Hi @jrossicare
Can you share the link of the script which I can use as a reference ?

Thanks @sagar_kamalakar for sharing this. Really helps.

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