Bulk approval for access requests

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Version 8.1

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Hi everyone, I am looking for a document or an information on how to give a user Bulk Approval for Access Request to a user.
Is there any possible way to give a user bulk access request.
where we can have the bulk approval for Access Request for all the users. Checking with you, is there any process to approve in BULK.

No ootb option is available . You have to build custom solution , I would say explore the option of plugin ( custom quicklink , forms and workflow).

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This bulk approval can be achieved through Plugins.

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Hi @schauh2,

You can create a custom WF with form and create a quicklink to call that.
You can pull all workItem for the logged in user(Manager) and take manager decision and use IIQ API to approve/reject the WorkItem.


Thank you so much for your information, do you have any sample on it.

Hi @schauh2,

Please find sample quicklink and workflow for request listing. You can extend this workflow to approve all selected user request by getting the respective workitem with the selected request and approve all workitem.

Also please refer to below two link for quicklink and form help.



Let me know if you still have some query.


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE QuickLink PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<QuickLink action="workflow" category="Custom" cssClass="custom" messageKey="Custom Access Link" name="Custom Access Link">
      <entry key="workflowName" value="Custom Test Workflow"/>
  <Description>Custom Quick Link</Description>
  <QuickLinkOptions allowSelf="true">
      <Reference class="sailpoint.object.DynamicScope" name="Everyone"/>


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE Workflow PUBLIC "sailpoint.dtd" "sailpoint.dtd">
<Workflow explicitTransitions="true" name="Custom Test Workflow">
  <Variable initializer="true" input="true" name="transient"/>
  <Variable input="true" name="quickLinkIdentityId"/>
  <Variable name="launcher">
  <Description>Custom Workflow</Description>
  <Step icon="Start" name="Start" posX="25" posY="10">
    <Transition to="Display Form"/>
  <Step name="Display Form" posX="201" posY="19">
    <Approval owner="spadmin" return="" send="">
            <entry key="pageTitle" value="Test Form"/>
          <Field displayName="Request List" multi="true" name="requestList" type="IdentityRequest"/>
        <Button action="next" label="Submit"/>
    <Transition to="End" when="script:approved==true"/>
  <Step icon="Stop" name="End" posX="400" posY="13"/>


How will you do 10 approve and 5 reject at same time and 5 no decision if you have total 20 request pending .?

I think only option is custom plugin .

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