BuildMap Connector Attribute || Delimited Source

Hi all,

I have developed a BuildMap rule, uploaded rule in the tenant using REST APIs.

But cannot find connector attribute of buildMapRule on the delimited file source that I am trying to update.

How do I patch BuildMap Rule to a delimited Source in IDN?

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Hi Yathish,

Please use this API and replace the value with the name of your rule:
PATCH /v3/sources/{id}
Content-Type: application/json-patch+json

“op”: “add”,
“path”: “/connectorAttributes/buildMapRule”,
“value”: “Example Rule”

Lisa Ivy

Hi Lisa,

Thank You for your response. I tested the patch and it worked.
Just wanted to let you know that there is no supporting information regarding this in the BuildMap Rule Documentation.

Hope this will be added.
Thank you.