Building Life Cycle States using Transforms


How to manage Life Cycle States based on the following criteria.

  1. Users AD Account should only go active 1 day before their start date
  2. Move user to Active status 1 day before they start
  3. Users most remain active in ServiceNow so that the manager can still submit request for the user prior to start date
  4. If a user is in Rescinded status mark them as inactive
  5. On users Term date the life cycle state should move into preterm status
  6. while in pretrem status AD, Epic, and SAP should be disabled
  7. After 3 days the preterm should move to inactive state
  8. inactive state is to remove all remaining access


Life Cycle State Logic Needed for Life Cycle State Expected Results
Purge Workday Attribute IS_RECENIDED == true This LCS will no longer be used in this design. It was causing to many issues.
PreHire Today +1d is less then Hire Date Set Prehire for any date that is not 1 day before the user starts.
Acive Today +1d is greater then or equal to Hire Date Set Active when user reaches 1 day before start this way all accounts are active when they go to on boarding
PreTerm Term date Set PreTerm status at the end of term date.
Inactive Workday Attribute IS_RECENIDED == true Term Date +3d Set Inactive when term date +3 days passes or if user has been recenided


Transforms to build

WD - Static - Lifecycle State

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "WD - Static - Lifecycle State",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "IS_RESCINDED": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "IS_RESCINDED",
                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
            "type": "firstValid"
        "activeFlag": {
            "attributes": {
                "attributeName": "ACTIVE__c",
                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
            "type": "accountAttribute"
        "terminationFlag": {
            "attributes": {
                "attributeName": "TERMINATED__c",
                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
            "type": "accountAttribute"
        "terminationReason": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "Term Reason Code__c",
                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
            "type": "firstValid"
        "onLeaveFlag": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "Status__c",
                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
            "type": "firstValid"
        "isHotTerm": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "Transform - Static - isHotTerm"
            "type": "reference"
        "hireDate_termDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "DateCompare - HireDate to TermDate"
            "type": "reference"
        "involuntaryTerm": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "Transform - DateCompare - Involuntary Term"
            "type": "reference"
        "PreHire": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "Transform - Calculate PreHire LifeCycleState"
            "type": "reference"
        "value": "#if( $IS_RESCINDED.equals(\"true\") && !$activeFlag.equals(\"1\") )inactive#elseif($PreHire.equals(\"prehire\") && $terminationFlag.equals(\"0\"))$PreHire#elseif( $terminationReason.equals(\"Involuntary\") && $hireDate_termDate.equals(\"terminate\") && ( $activeFlag.equals(\"0\") && $terminationFlag.equals(\"1\") ))$involuntaryTerm#elseif( !$onLeaveFlag.equals(\"null\") && $onLeaveFlag.equals(\"LOA\") )leave#elseif( $activeFlag.equals(\"1\") && $terminationFlag.equals(\"0\") )active#elseif( $activeFlag.equals(\"0\") && $terminationFlag.equals(\"1\") )$isHotTerm#{else}unknown#end"
    "internal": false

WD - Static - isHotTerm

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "WD - Static - isHotTerm",
    "type": "static",
    "attributes": {
        "termReason": {
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "values": [
                                "attributes": {
                                    "attributeName": "Term SubReason Code__c",
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                                "attributes": {
                                    "attributeName": "Term Reason Code__c",
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "type": "firstValid"
                "substring": "Involuntary"
            "type": "indexOf"
        "inactiveOrPreTerm": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "DateCompare - Pre Term and Inactive for LCS"
            "type": "reference"
        "value": "#if( $termReason == -1 )$inactiveOrPreTerm#{else}inactive#end"
    "internal": false

DateCompare - HireDate to TermDate

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "DateCompare - HireDate to TermDate",
    "type": "dateCompare",
    "attributes": {
        "firstDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "values": [
                                "attributes": {
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                    "attributeName": "Hire Date__c"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                                "attributes": {
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Sandbox",
                                    "attributeName": "Hire Date__c"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "type": "firstValid"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
            "type": "dateFormat"
        "secondDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "values": [
                                "attributes": {
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                    "attributeName": "Term Date__c"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                                "attributes": {
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Sandbox",
                                    "attributeName": "Term Date__c"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "type": "firstValid"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
            "type": "dateFormat"
        "operator": "GTE",
        "positiveCondition": "active",
        "negativeCondition": "terminate"
    "internal": false

Transform - DateCompare - Involuntary Term

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "Transform - DateCompare - Involuntary Term",
    "type": "dateCompare",
    "attributes": {
        "firstDate": {
            "type": "dateFormat",
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "expression": "+1d/h",
                                "roundUp": true,
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "input": {
                                            "attributes": {
                                                "values": [
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Test Data"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                            "type": "firstValid"
                                        "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
                                    "type": "dateFormat"
                            "type": "dateMath"
                        "begin": 0,
                        "end": 10
                    "type": "substring"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
        "secondDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "Transform - DateMath - getCurrentDate"
            "type": "reference"
        "operator": "gt",
        "positiveCondition": "active",
        "negativeCondition": "inactive"
    "internal": false

DateCompare - Pre Term and Inactive for LCS

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "DateCompare - Pre Term and Inactive for LCS",
    "type": "dateCompare",
    "attributes": {
        "firstDate": {
            "type": "dateFormat",
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "expression": "+3d/d",
                                "roundUp": false,
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "input": {
                                            "attributes": {
                                                "values": [
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                            "type": "firstValid"
                                        "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
                                    "type": "dateFormat"
                            "type": "dateMath"
                        "begin": 0,
                        "end": 10
                    "type": "substring"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
        "secondDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "expression": "now/d",
                        "roundUp": false
                    "type": "dateMath"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'hh:mmX",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
            "type": "dateFormat"
        "operator": "gte",
        "positiveCondition": {
            "attributes": {
                "id": "Transform - DateCompare - Determine Preterm LCS"
            "type": "reference"
        "negativeCondition": "inactive"
    "internal": false

Transform - DateMath - getCurrentDate

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "Transform - DateMath - getCurrentDate",
    "type": "dateMath",
    "attributes": {
        "expression": "now-5h/s",
        "roundUp": false
    "internal": false

Transform - DateCompare - Determine Preterm LCS

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "Transform - DateCompare - Determine Preterm LCS",
    "type": "dateCompare",
    "attributes": {
        "firstDate": {
            "type": "dateFormat",
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "expression": "+1d/h",
                                "roundUp": true,
                                "input": {
                                    "attributes": {
                                        "input": {
                                            "attributes": {
                                                "values": [
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Sandbox"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                                        "attributes": {
                                                            "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                                                            "sourceName": "Workday Test Data"
                                                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                                            "type": "firstValid"
                                        "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                                        "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
                                    "type": "dateFormat"
                            "type": "dateMath"
                        "begin": 0,
                        "end": 10
                    "type": "substring"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
        "secondDate": {
            "type": "dateMath",
            "attributes": {
                "expression": "now-6h/s",
                "roundUp": false
        "operator": "gt",
        "positiveCondition": "active",
        "negativeCondition": "preterm"
    "internal": false

Transform - Calculate PreHire LifeCycleState

    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "Transform - Calculate PreHire LifeCycleState",
    "type": "dateCompare",
    "attributes": {
        "requiresPeriodicRefresh": "true",
        "firstDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "expression": "now+1d/d",
                "roundUp": false
            "type": "dateMath"
        "secondDate": {
            "attributes": {
                "input": {
                    "attributes": {
                        "values": [
                                "attributes": {
                                    "attributeName": "Hire Date__c",
                                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                                "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "type": "firstValid"
                "inputFormat": "yyyy-MM-dd",
                "outputFormat": "ISO8601"
            "type": "dateFormat"
        "operator": "GTE",
        "positiveCondition": "active",
        "negativeCondition": "prehire"
    "internal": false

WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value

    "id": "6a26c729-cb0d-46ed-b8f5-bba7d9002aab",
    "name": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
    "type": "lookup",
    "attributes": {
        "input": {
            "attributes": {
                "values": [
                        "attributes": {
                            "workdayLifecycleState": {
                                "attributes": {
                                    "id": "WD - Static - Lifecycle State"
                                "type": "reference"
                            "seczettaLifecycleState": {
                                "attributes": {
                                    "values": [
                                            "attributes": {
                                                "id": "secZettaLifeCycleState"
                                            "type": "reference"
                                "type": "firstValid"
                            "value": "#if($seczettaLifecycleState=='no SecZetta account correlated')Workday#elseif($workdayLifecycleState=='inactive' && $seczettaLifecycleState!='inactive')SecZetta#{else}Workday#end"
                        "type": "static"
                    ": ",
            "type": "concat"
        "table": {
            "Workday: lastname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "LAST_NAME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: lastname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "personal_last_name",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: firstname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "FIRST_NAME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: firstname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "personal_first_name",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: personalEmail": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_HOME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: personalEmail": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "personal_email",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: company": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "LOCATION",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: costCenter": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Cost Center__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: costCenter": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: country": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "COUNTRY",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: country": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: department": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Department__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: department": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Substring - Seczetta Department Name"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: departmentCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Substring - Department Code"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: departmentCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Substring - Seczetta Department Code"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: disabledOu": {
                "attributes": {
                    "input": {
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "id": "Transform - Lookup - getDisableOU"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: disabledOu": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - Non-Employee - getDisableOU"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: displayName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "WD - Concat - Display Name"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: displayName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "SecZetta - Concat - DisplayName"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: identificationNumber": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: identificationNumber": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "uid",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: employeeType": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Worker Type__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: employeeType": {
                "attributes": {
                    "values": [
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "assignment_population",
                                "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                            "attributes": {
                                "name": "employeeType"
                            "type": "identityAttribute"
                "type": "firstValid"
            "Workday: endDate": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Workday - DateFormat - Termination Date"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: endDate": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "engagement_end_date",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobCategory": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Job Category__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobCategory": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "JOBCODE",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "assignment_sub_population",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobFamily": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Job Family__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobFamily": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobProfile": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Job Profile__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobProfile": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "assignment_subpopulation_name",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobSubFamily": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Job Sub-Family__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobSubFamily": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: jobTitle": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Job Profile__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: jobTitle": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: lastDayWorked": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Term Date__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: lastDayWorked": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "professional_phone_number",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: location": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "LOCATION",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: location": {
                "attributes": {
                    "input": {
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "assignment_location_id_ne_attribute",
                            "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "begin": 5
                "type": "substring"
            "Workday: locationId": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: locationId": {
                "attributes": {
                    "input": {
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "assignment_location_id_ne_attribute",
                            "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "begin": 0,
                    "end": 4
                "type": "substring"
            "Workday: manager": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "MANAGER_ID",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: manager": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "assignment_manager",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: middleName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "MIDDLE_NAME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: middleName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "personal_middle_name",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: ministryCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - Substring - Workday MinistryCode"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: ministryCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "SecZetta - substring - Assignment MinistryCode"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: organizationRegion": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Org Region__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: organizationRegion": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "assignment_organization_name_ne_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: phone": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "HOME_TELEPHONE",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: phone": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "personal_phone_number",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: preferredFirstname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "PREFERRED_FIRSTNAME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: preferredFirstname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "preferred_name_ne_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: preferredLastname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "PREFERRED_LASTNAME",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: preferredLastname": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: preferredName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Preferred Name__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: preferredName": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - FirstVaild - SecZetta - PreferredName"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: rbpgOffsetDays": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - Static - rbpgOffsetDays"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: newRbpgPositionCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "WD - Concat - RBPG Position Code"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: rbpgPositionCode": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "7e9e678d214d484b8094087a3a04b48d",
                    "name": "RBPG Code WDPS"
                "type": "rule"
            "Workday: rbpgTrigger": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "4ed341e4002649faa7646fcb57d13325",
                    "name": "RBPG Trigger WDPS"
                "type": "rule"
            "Workday: startDate": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Hire Date__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: startDate": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - DateFormat - SecZetta StartDate"
                "type": "reference"
            "Workday: supplierId": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Supplier_ID__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: supplierId": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "no_attribute",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: terminationReason": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Term Reason Code__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: terminationSubReason": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Term SubReason Code__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: userSubType": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "Worker Type__c",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: userSubType": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "assignment_sub_population",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta Assignments"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: workPhone": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "WORK_TELEPHONE",
                    "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "SecZetta: workPhone": {
                "attributes": {
                    "attributeName": "professional_phone_number",
                    "sourceName": "SecZetta"
                "type": "accountAttribute"
            "Workday: standardOu": {
                "attributes": {
                    "input": {
                        "attributes": {
                            "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                            "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox"
                        "type": "accountAttribute"
                    "id": "Transform - Lookup - getStandardOU"
                "type": "reference"
            "SecZetta: standardOu": {
                "attributes": {
                    "id": "Transform - Non-Employee - getStandardOU"
                "type": "reference"
            "default": null
    "internal": false

Apply the transforms to Identity Profiles

    "description": "Workday Production Sandbox Profile",
    "owner": {
        "type": "IDENTITY",
        "id": "REDACTED",
        "name": "Potter, Mark"
    "priority": 15,
    "authoritativeSource": {
        "type": "SOURCE",
        "id": "REDACTED",
        "name": "Workday Production Sandbox [source]"
    "identityRefreshRequired": false,
    "identityCount": 75432,
    "identityAttributeConfig": {
        "enabled": true,
        "attributeTransforms": [
                "identityAttributeName": "uid",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                                "id": "ADWDSZ - FirstValid - getUID",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "ADWDSZ - FirstValid - getUID"
                "identityAttributeName": "email",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK",
                                "id": "ADWDSZ - findEmail",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "ADWDSZ - findEmail"
                "identityAttributeName": "lastname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LAST_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "firstname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FIRST_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "adSamaccountName",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "USERID",
                                "id": "ToUpper",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "ToUpper"
                "identityAttributeName": "addisplayname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "WORKER_NAME",
                                "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD Display Name",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD Display Name"
                "identityAttributeName": "adfirstname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FIRST_NAME",
                                "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD First Name",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD First Name"
                "identityAttributeName": "adlastname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LAST_NAME",
                                "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD Last Name",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WDSZ - SSM AD Last Name"
                "identityAttributeName": "phone",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "HOME_TELEPHONE",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "assignments",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "professional_active_engagements",
                        "sourceName": "SecZetta",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "categoryReportGrouper2",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "CategoryReportGrouper2",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TST - EMP",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "company",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "COMPANY_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "costCenter",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Cost Center__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "country",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "COUNTRY",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "department",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Department__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "departmentCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Department__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "disabledOu",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "displayName",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "WORKER_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "empLinkedproviderid",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "LinkedProviderID",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TST - EMP",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "identificationNumber",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "employeeType",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Worker Type__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "endDate",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "TERMINATION_DATE",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "epicDefaultlinkedtemplateid",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "DefaultLinkedTemplateID",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TST - EMP",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "epicNotes",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "Notes",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TST - EMP",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "epicTermDate",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "TERMINATION_DATE",
                                "id": "Epic End Date",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "Epic End Date"
                "identityAttributeName": "isRescinded",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "IS_RESCINDED",
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobCategory",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Job Category__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "JOBCODE",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobFamily",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Job Family__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobProfile",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Job Profile__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobSubFamily",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Job Sub-Family__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "jobTitle",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Business Title__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "lastDayWorked",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LAST_DAY_OF_WORK",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "licenseStatus",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Status__c",
                                "id": "WD - Lookup - getLicenseStatus",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Lookup - getLicenseStatus"
                "identityAttributeName": "cloudLifecycleState",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "ACTIVE__c",
                                "id": "WDSZ - Dual Source - cloudLifecycleState",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WDSZ - Dual Source - cloudLifecycleState"
                "identityAttributeName": "linkedProviderId",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "providerId",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TEST - SER",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "location",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Work Location__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "locationId",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "managerEmployeeNumber",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "Manager UserID__c",
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "managerId",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Manager",
                                "id": "SABA - Manager ID Transform",
                                "sourceName": "SABA",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "SABA - Manager ID Transform"
                "identityAttributeName": "manager",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "Manager UserID__c",
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "middleInitial",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "MIDDLE_NAME",
                                "id": "Middle Initial",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "Middle Initial"
                "identityAttributeName": "middleName",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "MIDDLE_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "ministryCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "ORGANIZATION_CODE",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "moverTrigger",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "rule",
                    "attributes": {
                        "name": "Mover Trigger WDPS",
                        "id": "2b8f72c1edc04acca058574222d6cf12"
                "identityAttributeName": "nationalProviderIdentifier",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "NPI Number__c",
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "organizationRegion",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Org Region__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "positionCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                        "attributeName": "POSITION_ID",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "preferredFirstname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Legal First Name__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "preferredLastname",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Legal Last Name__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "preferredName",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Preferred Name__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "rbpgOffsetDays",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "MANAGER_ID",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "newRbpgPositionCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "rbpgPositionCode",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "rbpgTrigger",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FILENUMBER",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "sabaLocation",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Location Code",
                                "id": "SABA - Location Transform",
                                "sourceName": "SABA",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "SABA - Location Transform"
                "identityAttributeName": "seczettaAssignmentCorrelation",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "name",
                        "sourceName": "SecZetta",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "seczettaCorrelationKey",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "USERID",
                                "id": "WD - Concat - SecZetta Correlation key",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Concat - SecZetta Correlation key"
                "identityAttributeName": "seczettaProfessionalEmail",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "professional_email",
                        "sourceName": "SecZetta",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "serProviderid",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "providerId",
                        "sourceName": "Epic - TEST - SER",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "servicenowSsmhctestGrantTableCorrelation",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "sys_id",
                        "sourceName": "ServiceNow - SSMHCTEST",
                        "sourceId": "2c91808983e6f7250183f66daa0237a9"
                "identityAttributeName": "snowAccount",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "MANAGER_ID",
                                "id": "Transform - Static - Delay Provisioning",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "Transform - Static - Delay Provisioning"
                "identityAttributeName": "standardOu",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LOCATION_ID",
                                "id": "Transform - Lookup - getStandardOU",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "Transform - Lookup - getStandardOU"
                "identityAttributeName": "startDate",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Hire Date__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "supplierId",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Supplier_ID__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "terminationReason",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Term Reason Code__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "testWorkdaylifecyclestates",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "id": "Transform - Calculate PreHire LifeCycleState",
                        "input": {
                            "type": "accountAttribute",
                            "attributes": {
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "attributeName": "ACTIVE__c",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "updatedSeczettaManager",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Manager UserID__c",
                                "id": "WDSZ - Static - FindManager",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WDSZ - Static - FindManager"
                "identityAttributeName": "updatedseczettaemailaddress",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "EMAIL_ADDRESS_WORK",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "Transform - Static - WDSZ - FindEmail"
                "identityAttributeName": "upn",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "accountAttribute",
                    "attributes": {
                        "attributeName": "userPrincipalName",
                        "sourceName": "Active Directory",
                        "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                "identityAttributeName": "userSubType",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "Worker SubType / Contractor Type__c",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "workPhone",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "FIRST_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Dual Source - Attribute Value"
                "identityAttributeName": "workdayCorrelationKey",
                "transformDefinition": {
                    "type": "reference",
                    "attributes": {
                        "input": {
                            "attributes": {
                                "attributeName": "LAST_NAME",
                                "id": "WD - Concat - SecZetta Correlation key",
                                "sourceName": "Workday Production Sandbox",
                                "type": "reference",
                                "sourceId": "REDACTED"
                            "type": "accountAttribute"
                        "id": "WD - Concat - SecZetta Correlation key"
    "identityExceptionReportReference": {
        "taskResultId": "REDACTED",
        "reportName": "Workday Production Sandbox Identity Exceptions"
    "hasTimeBasedAttr": true,
    "id": "REDACTED",
    "name": "Workday Production Sandbox",
    "created": "2023-11-21T18:24:35.823Z",
    "modified": "2024-09-27T11:06:34.960Z"

Provisioning Profiles


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    "technicalName": "preterm",
    "description": null,
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    "modified": "2024-09-05T15:47:02.334Z"


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    "created": "2023-12-06T12:31:58.660Z",
    "modified": "2023-12-06T12:32:08.179Z"


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    "created": "2023-12-06T12:33:47.170Z",
    "modified": "2023-12-06T12:51:50.090Z"


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