Bugs and issues in Bulk Role Importer Script

Upon analysing the Bulk Role/Access importer script written in Ruby, available in https://community.sailpoint.com/t5/Professional-Services/IdentityNow-Bulk-AccessProfile-and-Role-Imp… , we found multiple issues during code execution. So essentially, this script provided in community portal does not work like a plug & play mechanism.

We identified those bugs and documented a workaround for these issues which can be helpful for people who are leveraging this module.
I’ve attached a PDF that documents the bugs found in the Bulk Role Importer script. If you encounter any issues while using this script to import roles or for any other purpose, I’m here to help resolve them or provide you with alternative solutions.

Vasanth Ram S J

Role Importer Bug Documentation (1).pdf (18.4 MB)


Thanks Vasanth,It would be really helpful for my current task.

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Thanks @VasanthRam , great work :hearts: :handshake:

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Great work @VasanthRam. This is really helpful.
I remember the behavior you mentioned in Bug #7 that access profiles when bulk imported using utility, it used to enable the access profiles by default.

But now, the access profiles once imported are created as “disabled” for some reason and we’re having to manually enable them using the utility command “enableAccessProfiles”. I don’t understand why the behavior changes each day.


Thanks a lot @Arshad
Nice to hear that the documentation is helping people :heart:
Even i noticed the same issue that you are facing. You will be able enable roles while configuring the create role command via the script. But for access profiles it doesn’t support.

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I thank for your contribution, more than that we should appreciate for your patience in testing all these scenarios and documenting the same.


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