BeforeProvisioning || BeforeOperation Rules - Replace AttributeRequest Values List with Map

Hi all,
We have a use case for a Source of type Web Services, where to add or remove entitlements, an XML file has to be created inside the BeforeOperation Rule and the xml needs to include name, value and displayValue of each entitlement.

As we are getting only the List of values for attribute (marked as entitlement), I am planning to combine BeforeProvisioning & BeforeOperation Rules, where I can

  • convert the List into a Map using ManagedAttributes Class in BeforeProvisioning Rule
  • Add a new AttributeRequest using this Map as value
  • Using the above Map inside the BeforeOpertation Rule, create the required xml in requestBody

However, my concern is that the original List will still be a part of the ProvisioningPlan, and I am not sure how can I remove AttributeRequest with List before adding AttributeRequest with Map

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