Audit Event for Attribute Change


I have a requirement to create an Audit event when a user’s particular identity Attribute changes. There is an mover event already existing that triggers when user’s department attribute changes. Can I create another mover event and customize the workflow to create an Audit event for the attribute change

Hi @MakileshP ,

Is your requirement is only to create an audit event for a particular Identity attribute change or is the more to your requirements?

Yes, I need to create only audit event for the identity attribute change. No additional requirements

I would recommend you to create a listener rule and attach the listener rule to the identity attribute and create an audit event.
So whenever that attribute change an Audit event is created

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Refer to the sample code below:

import sailpoint.server.Auditor;
import sailpoint.object.AuditEvent;
  String action = "manager-change";
  if(newValue==null && oldValue!=null ){
  else if (newValue!=null && newValue!=oldValue) {
    AuditEvent event = new AuditEvent();
    event.setSource("Attribute Change");
    event.setString1("attributeName = " + attributeName);
    event.setString2("oldValue = " + oldValue);
    event.setString3("newValue = " + newValue);