Attribute Sync - truncating value and firing a sync when data on identity profile and source attribute match

It appears ISC has removed the maximum string length for identity and source attributes, which is great. But I am experiencing attribute sync processing doing a truncation of the “attribute value” (visible in the event details) and firing a sync when the data has not changed. Has anyone else experienced this and is there a config option to get around this, or am I just breaking an unwritten rule of max string size, or is there a bug in attribute sync? Example:

1073-001,1073-002,1073-003,1073-004,1073-005,1073-006,1073-007,1073-008,1073-009,1073-010,1073-011,1073-012,1073-013,1073-014,1073-015,1073-016,1073-017,1073-018,1073-019,1073-020,1073-021,1073-022,1073-023,1073-024,1073-025,1073-026,1073-027,1073-028,1073-029,1073-030,1073-031,(imagine there is way more codes, resulting in 1000 character string length)

1073-001,1073-002,1073-003,1073-004,1073-005,1073-006,1073-007,1073-008,1073-009,1073-010,1073-011,1073-012,1073-013,1073-014,1073-015,1073-016,1073-017,1073-018,1073-019,1073-020,1073-021,1073-022,1073-023,1073-024,1073-025,1073-026,1073-027,1073-028,1073-029,1073-030,1073-031,(imagine there is way more codes, resulting in 1000 character string length)

The two values match exactly.

Att Sync event fires
attributeValue is truncated
previousValue is complete (1000 characters)

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Hi Jason,
We do have the similar setting and not experience any truncation. I would recommend raise a sailpoint ticket and see if that resolves the issue.

Rakesh Bhati