Application Builder task - Correlation Config

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we are in the process of building an application builder task for JDBC type application. we need to specify correlation config in the input CSV. can someone share the sample CSV for creation of application with correlation Config

Hi @vijayankuppusamy

The out-of-the-box “Application Builder” Rule does not set the correlation configuration. Therefore, you need to modify the rule to include the logic for setting the correlation configuration. Since you are adding new code, the header column will depend on what you specify in your code.

You can use the following value. If you are editing using Microsoft CSV, you can place this value directly in a cell.

<CorrelationConfig name="Active Directory Correlation">
    <Filter operation="EQ" property="employeeId" value="employeeID"/>

Hello @Arpitha1,
I tired adding this and CorrelationConfig in header however it did not workout. can you please share a sample CSV. I tried to export existing apps to CSV using the applicationbuilder rule and dont see the correlation config being exported there as well

As I told earlier, the out-of-the-box “Application Builder” Rule does not set the correlation configuration. Therefore, you need to modify the rule to include the logic for setting the correlation configuration.

Thanks, i will work on it and mark your’s as answer :slight_smile: Thanks again

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