API Identitynow : Search roles with if starts with specific name starts with or ends with

API Identitynow - Is there a way to search a list of roles if starts with a specific name starts with or ends with like a wild card search *.?

Yes, that would be possible, but note if there are any spaces or special characters, you’ll need to enclose the search term in double quotes. For example

name:”Role A*” OR name:”*Role B”

There are some good resources I recommend reading regarding search

Searchable Fields on Objects
Building a Search Query

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Based on the doc would be something like that:

curl -L -X GET 'https:/<tenant>.api.identitynow.com/beta/roles?filters=name%20sw%20"SO"' \
-H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>'

(list-roles | SailPoint Developer Community)

hi @sivakumarnallu,

You can search the specified roles with: /v3/roles?filters=name sw “Test”

The doc indicates that only the operators “eq” and “sw” are supported for name

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Thanks for your reply. Yes. it works fine as expected.

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Thanks for your suggestion. I was looking for the role membership criteria that won’t be visible via GUI search query.

based on the response we can use an API filter to achieve

: **/v3/roles?filters=name sw “Test”

If you need wildcard searching, then the /v3/roles API won’t work. It cannot handle wildcards in the query param. @mcheek 's suggestion of using the Search API with wildcards is the best option.