API call or search query to retrieve the list of identities in a Role

Hi Team,

Greetings of the Day!!

We have a requirement where we can retrieve the list of identities in a role or roles and the entitlements that are being provisioned by those roles to the identities that are part of those roles.

Requesting your valuable insights on this.

Thank you.

Gali Shanmukh Chandra

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Hi Gali,

You will want to use the v3/search API to find this data. Search | SailPoint Developer Community

You’ll execute the POST (api-url)/v3/search call with a few different bodies to get this data. First, execute the call to get the list of identities in the role (replace name_of_role with the role’s name):

  "indices": [
  "query": {
    "query": "@access(type:ROLE AND name:\"name_of_role\")"
  "sort": ["name"],
  "queryResultFilter": {
      "includes": ["*"]

Then you can execute the call to see which access profiles are included in the role:

  "indices": [
  "query": {
    "query": "name:\"name_of_role\""
  "sort": ["name"],
  "queryResultFilter": {
      "includes": ["name","accessProfiles.name"]

Use the access profile names that were returned to search for the entitlements within each of the access profiles:

  "indices": [
  "query": {
    "query": "name:\"name_of_access_profile\""
  "sort": ["name"],
  "queryResultFilter": {
      "includes": ["name","entitlements.value"]

Lisa Ivy

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Hi Lisa,

Thanks for your quick reply. The first API call will help us a lot for our requirement. Although, we are retrieving list of identities which are part of roles that contains some common name. For example, @access(type:Role AND name:"*ABCD*"). This query will return some set of identities. Now our requirement is to fetch the entitlements from a particular source for these set of identities.

Requesting you to please provide your valuable feedback on this.

Thank you.

Gali Shanmukh Chandra.


You can see the entitlements associated with each identity in the data that’s returned back from the first call. In the queryResultFilter here, I selected a few fields that help show those details:

  "indices": [
  "query": {
    "query": "@access(type:ROLE AND name:\"name_of_role\")"
  "sort": ["name"],
  "queryResultFilter": {
      "includes": ["name","firstName","lastName","attributes.uid","access.source.name","access.value"]

Hi Lisa,

Hope you are doing well.

Thanks for this API body. This has helped us a lot to fulfill our requirement.

Thank you very much for your assistance.

Shanmukh Gali.