Announcing the open-source subset of our IIQCommon library

Identity Works LLC, who you may remember from the 2023 Developer Days, are pleased to announce the public availability of some of our IIQ-related utility classes.

You can find a blog post about the library here: Announcing the open-source IIQCommon library | Identity Works LLC

And the library code itself here: pub / IIQ Common Public · GitLab

Classes you may be interested in are HybridObjectMatcher, ObjectMapper, Utilities, and BaseCommonPluginResource.

Let me know if you have any questions! I’m still working on the documentation, which I need to pry apart from the internal libraries and plugins.

This project is open-source. Feel free to create an account in our Gitlab environment and contribute to it.


The latest release build of iiq-common-public is now available here: