Aggregation fails with identity attribute not found

Getting this error when doing aggregation althought ProfileUID is present

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Hi Diksha,

If you haven’t already, please submit a support ticket. The support team will be able to look at your logs to diagnose the issue.

Hi Diksha,

This is possibly because IDN is not able to find identity attribute value “ProfileUID” for one of the records during aggregation. Please check the target system and see if you have any records missing this attribute value if so please remove or correct.

@k_diksha - I am facing a smilar issue how did you fix this ?


I think this question probably belongs on Compass Community? But regardless, the problem is that IDN sees a NULL value and can no longer process the Query, so it errors out. You have to find a way to deal with NULL values in the Query. My solution was to exclude NULL values and force the team to actually fill in those values to import into IDN. XD But I got lucky they agreed to that. XD

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