Aggregation and Provisioning of Custom IDs

The Workday SaaS connector supports the aggregation of Custom IDs along with the following features:

This is the companion discussion topic for the documentation at
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Instructions are kind of confusing
Number 2 provides XPATH as:

  • ns1:Worker_Data/ns1:Personal_Data/ns1:Identification_Data/ns1:Custom_ID/ns1:Custom_ID_Data[ns1:ID_Type_Reference/ns1:ID[@ns1:type='Custom_ID_Type_ID']='<Custom_ID_Type_ID>']/ns1:ID

but then Number 5 provide it as:

  • ns1:Worker_Data/ns1:Personal_Data/ns1:Identification_Data/ns1:Custom_ID/ns1:Custom_ID_Data[ns1:ID_Type_Reference/ns1:ID[@ns1:type='Custom_ID_Type_ID']='CUSTOM_ID_TYPE-6-11']/ns1:ID

Was this an error? in any case, i was still not able to aggregate custom ID following this instruction

Hi @segun , Custom_ID_Type_ID depends on your custom field type ID that is present in your Workday tenant. The second one that you refer is an example.

You need to perform following steps to obtain the required value of Custom_ID_Type_ID:

  1. Sign in to the Workday managed system.
  2. Search for View Custom ID Types and select an Identifier Type of the required custom ID.
  3. Go to Integration IDs > View IDs.
  4. Under Reference IDs, copy the ID value and place it at <Custom_ID_Type_ID> in XPATH.
  5. Then your final XPATH will looks like as per the provided example and template.

If it is not working or if there is any issue, I would suggest to raise a support ticket.
