Aggregate entitlements endpoint doesn't allow wrapping data in double quotes

The new entitlement aggregation endpoint that replaces the deprecated CC version does not allow us to wrap data in double quotes like the CC version did.

I have commented here on this issue.

I am also surfacing it here for more awareness.

Hi William,

Thank you for submitting this. Engineering has opened a ticket (IDNARC-2846) to track the work on this. They agree that this functionality should exist in the new endpoint.

@wtboice can you please provide a sample CSV file that is causing this error?


I just tried this again, and it appears to be working. I am validating against the source api as well.

@colin_mckibben This appears to be working for both entitlements and for source uploads for CSV.

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@colin_mckibben, quotes in the column headings are still causing our aggregations to fail using the new endpoint. Below is a screenshot of the error I get in WindowsPowerShell:

But I can send the exact same file to the CC endpoint without issue. I can even use the file to update the schema using the “beta/sources/ID/schemas/entitlements” but when I send that same file to the new Endpoint I get the above error. The file is created using the Export-Csv command which in WindowsPowerShell wraps everything in quotes, regardless of the Delimiter used.

My current workaround is using the ConverTo-Csv and Out-File commands with some Encoding options set. But none of this is required for the new Load Accounts endpoint.

I did the same.

My workaround is:

$hashtable | Export-Csv -path $groupexport -NoTypeInformation -append
#fix for sailpoint new endpoint.  IT won't accept quotes in the header line
$groupHeaderStrip = get-content $groupexport
$groupHeaderStrip[0] = $groupHeaderStrip[0]|% {$_ -replace '"',''} 
set-content $groupexport $groupHeaderStrip